Sunday, December 23, 2007

Top Affiliate Business Tools For Success - A Website

Top Affiliate Business Tools For Success - A Website
Whatever sort of affiliate, associate, niche or commission website business you run, there are certain affiliate website tools that are essential to create a really successful online affiliate business.

Affiliate tool # 1 - A Website

No matter what you've read online you need a website to succeed in affiliate business marketing.

Not only does it give you a platform to sell from it helps create trust & confidence in your products with your visitors so that they click on the affiliate link.

Don't believe the siren calls that tell you that you can make a fortune from a blog with affiliate links or from Adwords with affiliate links direct to the merchant website.

These methods were once the way to earn good incomes, but those days are gone as visitors become more wary of clicking those little sponsored links.

Visitors need convincing that the affiliate product is worth their hard earned cash.

Your review, comparisons, appraisals and endorsements will be the deciding factor.

Why else do you need an affiliate website

1. Websites give you the chance to offer other resources that draw visitors back to your site and therefore increase your conversions of visitors to buyers.

Resources like:

Audio files
Reviews of the products
Endorsements & testimonials
Free advice
Free tools and software
Membership area

Remember that visitors are more savvy these days. They need to trust the source of information and advice that they are reading.

Offer some of or all of the above give your visitors reason to build trust in your recommendations and follow your advice to visit the merchant's website.

Don't forget to look for ways of selling using these 'free resources' areas. Embed links to your affiliate products or pages within your website.

2. Websites give you the opportunity of having Opt-in forms for your newsletter, audio message, video blog or virtual postcards.

Generating a list of targeted visitors is a fantastic use of your website.

You've worked really hard to build traffic to your website.

Don't miss the opportunity of capturing the email addresses of visitors to your site.

Remember that an opt-in list is one of your best methods of marketing to your audience.

All great marketers know that visitors need to be exposed on average 7 - 10 times before they are prepared to consider adopting a new idea.

Opt-in lists on your website give you that chance to keep in contact with your visitors and convince them to visit your merchants websites.

3. Websites give you somewhere to sell your own product.

Even if you don't have anything to sell now, you may well do in the future. Perhaps a product that you have developed yourself or something that you have the resale rights to.

Selling your own products not only generates great income, you get to keep all the profit!

But it also gives you credibility - For example I wrote "The Home Staging Handbook" that sells on my "Home Staging Courses" & "Property Coach" websites. I am seen as an industry expert and this is backed up by me publishing a book on the subject.

4. Websites allow you to highly optimize web pages for you to display Adsense ads as an extra revenue stream.

I may have said that you can now no longer earn a fortune just from linking Adsense ads to your merchants via your affiliate link...

However don't forget that you can still earn a nice supplementary revenue stream from placing PPC ads on your web pages.

5. Websites give you a way to develop your brand.

If you want to build your business and become an expert in your niche, websites allow you to develop your brand so that visitors recognise and trust you whenever they see your name, logo or picture.

6. Websites give you the opportunity to link to and obtain links from other websites. This would form part of your search engine optimization strategy.

Generating good streams of highly targeted traffic should be one of your top priorities... the more targeted traffic the better your income.

Build a website that others want to link to and develop good linking strategies to increase your income.

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